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12 Inspiring “About Us” Examples From eCommerce Stores

12 Inspiring "About Us" Examples From eCommerce Stores

Nearly every store has an About Us page. However, they’re often overlooked, containing only the most basic information presented in an unexciting way.

If that applies to your store or you haven’t updated your About Us page in a while, this guide will inspire you to turn this important part of your store into an effective piece of content that can help grow your business.

Your About Us page can play a key role in differentiating yourself from the competition — something that’s vital for all eCommerce stores.

With customers considering elements other than pricing and the product itself when making a buying decision, it’s vital that you can use your About Us page to share your personality and tell the story behind your brand.

Giving your customers something to connect with can help them choose you over the competition, whether that’s them agreeing with your founding principles, approving of your sustainability efforts, or resonating with something else you can share on your About Us page.

Your About Us page can also generate sales. Including product images and videos, calls-to-actions, and proof that you’re a legitimate business founded by real people can all help make your About Us page a profitable part of your store.

In this guide, you’ll find a collection of stylish and effective examples that can inspire you to give your About Us page the attention it deserves.

12 Impressive eCommerce “About Us” Page Examples

Here are some examples of high-quality eCommerce About Us pages to get you excited about refreshing this vital part of your own store.


Everlane About Us Page Example

The Everlane About page does an excellent job of explaining why shoppers should choose them over their competitors.

The interesting layout of the page combines text and images to share details about the manufacturing process and allay concerns customers might have about ethical issues related to product production.

Everlane even shares information on how much their clothes cost to make and other financial details to impress shoppers with their transparency.

If you sell products that are higher priced than your competitors, the Everlane About Us page demonstrates how you can win over hesitant customers.


Casper About Us Page Example

The Casper About page uses videos, images, and text to share how they’ve improved their mattresses, how they make them, and the benefits of buying them. It also highlights their key products so visitors can quickly start shopping.

Visitors also find the main benefits of shopping with Casper, including information on shipping and returns, the risk-free guarantee, and the warranty.

If a visitor reaches the end of the About page and still has questions, Casper makes it easy to get in touch with one of their sleep specialists to discuss any remaining issues.


Allbirds About Us Page Example

The Allbirds About Us page introduces you to the company’s founders and shares their mission statement. If your team is personable and includes people who will resonate with your target audience, taking this approach will make your About page very effective.

The core values or reasons to buy Allbirds products are outlined using an animated image to keep visitors engaged.

Other credentials that the company thinks will impress its target audience are also shared. These include their dedication to comfort and commitment to sustainability.

The Allbirds About page perfectly conveys what’s great about their products and why they’re a good company.


Subset About Us Page Examples

Subset uses its About page to promote the environmental-friendly credentials of the business along with its commitment to helping customers find the products they deserve.

After browsing the About page, visitors get a good sense of why the company was created, who it was created for, and who the founders are. If you want to forge a strong connection with your target audience quickly, this is the key information to share.

The buttons on the About page, which link to the other parts of the store, all use creative call-to-action text, making it easy for visitors to see where they’re being taken.

Aura Bora

Aura Bora About Us Page Example

To deliver a consistent user experience, the design of the Aura Bora About Us page matches the company’s unique branding, using stylized illustrations and animations.

While many About Us pages feature the company founders, Aura Bora shows that’s not always necessary. Instead, they put their products and core values front and center, demonstrating that if you don’t have an inspiring founder story, you can still connect with your target audience.

The auto-scrolling carousel actually enhances the overall design of the page while giving visitors an easy way to access the products and make a purchase.


Monastery About Us Page Example

The Monastery About Us page does a good job of highlighting the problems visitors are facing and then providing a solution in the form of their products. The page removes a lot of the mystery around how premium skin care products work, leaving you in no doubt about how Monastery will help you.

If your products are more towards the complex end of the spectrum, the diagram on the Monastery About Us page gives good inspiration on how you could explain how things work to your visitors without overwhelming them.

The style of the photos does an excellent job of conveying the homemade, DIY aesthetic of the brand, demonstrating that it’s not just about what you take photos of but also how those photos are edited and presented.


Agro About Us Page Example

The bold design and branding of the Agro site fully extend to the About page, showing how to deliver a consistent user experience.

If you want to put yourself forward as the figurehead of your brand to form a strong connection with your audience, the Argo About page is a good template to follow. The photos of the founders, along with an introduction and handwritten signatures, give the page a personal feel.

The rest of the page contains lots of useful information that will help convince visitors to make an order, such as comparison data with other similar products.

The page doesn’t include any products. However, it does feature a prominent call to action that takes visitors to the shop section of the site, making it easy for visitors to continue their buying journey.

Tower 28

Tower 28 About Us Page Example

For an example of an About page that includes videos, images, and text, as well as an interesting layout and lots of useful content, the Tower 28 About page is hard to beat.

The impressive design is sure to make a strong impression on visitors, increasing the chances of them connecting with the brand and making an order.

This About page definitely elevates the brand and the products while also providing key information that will enable visitors to make an informed choice when weighing up their options.

If you want to use your branding to connect with your audience and elevate your products, investing time and effort into your About page, as Tower 28 has done, is a worthwhile endeavor.

Including an email optin form for your newsletter, as this example does, is another good way to connect with your audience via your About page.

Mish Mash

Mish Mash About Us Page Example

Providing some kind of social proof on your About page is a good way to reassure potential customers. To achieve this, Mish Mash includes the number of stores where its products are available, along with logos from prestigious brands that stock their items.

The About Us page also includes photos documenting the design process of their products, giving visitors an insight into the thought that goes into production. Mish Mash also does a good job of overcoming any environmental objections shoppers might have about purchasing their products by sharing sustainability information.

Sharing your values and beliefs on your About page, as Mish Mash does, will help your brand stand out from the crowd and connect with your target audience.


Caley About Us Page Example

Caley provides a good example of how many of the key components of an effective About Us page can be included in one design.

The Caley About Us page effectively combines many elements, starting with some social proof in the form of their average user rating in the header. This is followed by inspirational photos of their products in use, along with information on why their products are better than the competition. Finally, a small number of featured products and quotes from reviews finish off the page.

The Caley About Us page is a good example of a minimal design that still manages to contain lots of useful content that will turn this part of your site into a conversion-increasing page.

YME Universe

YME About Us Page Example

YME Universe clearly explains the purpose of its site on the About page. It also uses photos to tell the story and set the tone of its brand.

To demonstrate that they’re more than just a website, YME Universe also shares information about their physical store in the form of photographs and text. If your brand has a physical location, showcasing it on your About Us page can give it some permanence and real-world credibility that your competitors may lack.

Links to product categories and brand pages of the store are also included to help shoppers quickly find the products they’re looking for.

207 Ouest

207 Ouest About Us Page Example

The 207 Ouest About page succeeds in telling the story of the brand while also showcasing some of the more unique products available at the store.

If you’d like your About Us page to drive sales as well as provide information, you’ll find the 207 Ouest approach inspiring.

By dedicating space to sharing the details of the brands available at the store, along with quick links to the brand pages, visitors have plenty of destinations to choose from when they reach the end of the About page.

Implementing an interesting layout, as 207 Ouest has done, will help your About Us page stand out from the crowd while also helping you share your story and promote the inner pages of your store.


At their core, the purpose of an About Us page is to share some information about the store.

However, the About Us page is also an opportunity to showcase your or your brand’s personality and connect with your audience.

One way to do this is to implement a creative layout and design that might not work for the more traditional eCommerce pages of your store but does a good job of helping to make a memorable impression on your audience.

Your About Us page doesn’t just have to share information with your visitors. It can also promote your products and direct customers to the eCommerce pages of your store, such as the brand and individual product pages.

While About Us pages are often overlooked, they really shouldn’t. Instead, make your About Us page a key part of your store that connects with your audience, builds your brand, and promotes your products.

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