So what does that fancy word mean? Reciprocity is a form of social psychology which refers to responding to a positive action with another positive action – thus rewarding kindness.
Share your purchase with the Social Checkout plugin
There’s a lot to learn from how Amazon does business and one little feature which is often overlooked is its social sharing feature once you’ve purchased from them.
People like seeing positive social proof that trustworthy individuals or followers have made a purchase from your store.
Drive sales growth on your online store with an Affiliate program
A well structured and credible affiliate/referral sales program can transform your eCommerce store.
If you’re a small eCommerce operation looking to grow your sales, you must give serious consideration to operating an affiliate program. Think of affiliates as your own private army of sales people who have the potential to send you thousands of new customers much faster than you can. Good affiliates are just like good salespeople. That’s because they are salespeople. A lot of us suck at sales, copyrighting and marketing in general. Good affiliates have mastered the dark arts of convincing customers to part with their cash online.
Rescue orders from oblivion with Abandoned Cart Pro
Today we look at a must have plugin for WooCommerce to grow revenue by chasing down abandoned orders before they disappear into the abyss!
On some sites abandoned orders exceed 95% of all order sessions! Newcomers to eCommerce may recoil in horror at the thoughts of such high rates of order abandonment. But abandoned orders are not the exception in eCommerce. They are the norm. Successful eCommerce websites with huge amounts of traffic have a lot of “footfall” or “screenfall” passing by with no or little or order intent. But that’s not to say that we should just sit idly by and watch all those orders disappear into a black hole. No, we’ll fight for them!
Drive eCommerce traffic and sales with social sharing
Continuing our WooCommerce plugin recommendations series, today we take a look at a great social sharing plugin which provides users with an incentive to share your products with their friends to receive discount coupons.
At this point I think everyone knows just how critical a strong social media presence is to the success of any eCommerce website. What I think a lot of people struggle with is how to provide tangible rewards to your customers who take positive actions to share your products via social networks.
Switching between a list and a grid view in WooCommerce
WooCommerce Grid/List toggle is a fantastic little free plugin by James Koster which allows users to switch between a grid and a list view of products on the archives page.