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eCommerce Listings Pages – 10 Top Examples

eCommerce Listings Pages – 10 Top Examples

One of the keys to a successful eCommerce store is reducing user bounce rates (customers entering your website and rapidly returning to search engines).

Essentially, the longer you can keep site visitors on your listings/product pages, the more likely they are to convert from passive users to proactive customers. But how exactly can you refine your product listings pages to minimize bounce rates and maximize user interest and conversion rates?

eCommerce Copywriting

eCommerce Copywriting

It’s often said that marketing is the greatest art form of the 21st century, and so, in order to ensure that their eCommerce website fulfills its potential, online store owners need to tap into the marketing power of eCommerce copywriting.

Yes, high-quality eCommerce copy can help drive a potentially unlimited amount of traffic to your online store and, crucially, help to convert that traffic into sales. So, what copywriting tips and tricks can you use to transform your content into a lucrative art form?

How to Add Product Video in WooCommerce

How to Add Product Videos in WooCommerce

Looking for a way to offer an engaging shopping experience on your online store? Product videos on your WooCommerce product pages are the ideal enhancement.

Adding product videos is a great way to showcase your products better and present more information about your products. It helps customers make informed purchase decisions and can increase sales for your business.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at why you should add product videos to your WooCommerce product pages. We’ll also share some examples of big-name brands that use product videos successfully.

Finally, we’ll list some of the best plugins that let you add product videos in WooCommerce and show you step-by-step how to get started.

WooCommerce Database Optimization

WooCommerce Database Optimization

Is your online store laggy? Does it cause site visitors to bounce off when content doesn’t load properly? You need to optimize your WooCommerce database.

Optimizing your WooCommerce database is important for maintaining site performance and improving the responsiveness of your web pages. If the user’s browser gets a slower response from your website’s server, it will take longer to display content to site visitors when they try to access your store.

Shoptimizer 2.5 and CommerceKit 2.0 Revealed – Huge Update!

Shoptimizer 2.5 and CommerceKit 2.0 Revealed

We’re thrilled to announce the arrival of Shoptimizer 2.5 which includes version 2.0 of our CommerceKit plugin – the all-on-one conversion solution for your WooCommerce store.

This is a major new update and forms a key part of making Shoptimizer the de-facto tool to create a world class eCommerce store with WooCommerce.

This update includes features which ordinarily would require the purchase of multiple plugins, costing hundreds of dollars. Instead, they’re all in this feature-packed update! We’ve wrapped an incredible amount of functionality within Shoptimizer and CommerceKit. We think it’s a game-changer when it comes to WooCommerce.

There are a lot of new features to discuss so let’s get started!

Best Image CDNs for WordPress

Best Image CDNs

Are you looking for a robust image CDN for your WooCommerce store? While compressing and optimizing your images can help improve your website’s performance, it’s equally important to deliver images quickly to your site visitors, whatever their geographical location. Image CDNs are a great way to do this.


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